
  • Accessibility community of practice

    Stay current on best practices for making services accessible and inclusive. Learn how to work with a disability-informed GBA+ lens.

  • Agile community of practice

    The Agile CoP is a place to learn and support each other while gaining deeper understanding of the Agile mindset.

  • Audio-visual community of practice

    We’re a group of creative professionals committed to promoting high standards ​for projects that involve audio, video, photography or graphics.

  • B.C. government design community

    The BC Gov Design Community believes in better services for the people of B.C. through evidence-based design that is centred on the people we serve.

  • BC’s map hub (ArcGIS Online)

    B.C.’s Map Hub is the provincial instance of ArcGIS Online. It’s a collaborative place to explore, engage, innovate and communicate using the language of maps and data.

  • Content design and writing group (CDAWG)

    The Content Design and Writing Group (CDAWG) is a group of public service employees who design and write web content.

  • Data Architecture and Governance

    The Data Architecture and Governance community of practice (DAG CoP) aims to share expert knowledge in data architecture, management and standards across sectors of the BC government.

  • Data science community of practice

    A venue to connect, communicate and learn about all things data science.

  • Data visualization and dashboarding

    A place to discuss data visualization and dashboarding techniques.

  • Digital delivery network

    We’re a growing network of people across government who have experience applying digital capabilities to deliver excellent services.

  • Everything Lean community of practice

    A place for continuous improvement enthusiasts to connect.

  • GIS community of practice

    Bringing together Geographic Information System (GIS) practitioners within the Natural Resource Sector to learn from one another and discuss topics of interest to the community.

  • Python programming community

    We’re a place for people who love Python or are curious. All questions entertained, all skill levels and styles welcome!

  • Records jam

    A place for “One Gov” cross-ministry thinking about accountability, transparency, efficiency and records that can be used as evidence.

  • Remote sensing community

    Connecting across ministries to share knowledge about new technologies and case studies related to all types of remote sensing (terrestrial, airborne, satellite, optical, LiDAR, Radar, etc.).

  • SaaS community of practice

    A hub to share knowledge and best practices on cloud-based tools.

  • Scrum masters’ guild community of practice

    Explore and share knowledge about Agile coaching.

  • Social media community of practice

    Learning how to better use social media as a platform.

  • Technology innovation forum

    A place to share and discuss new things that are happening in the technology space with a focus on reusable solutions that can benefit all.


Need to make an edit or want to add a new entry? Email the digital.gov.bc.ca team