Foundational information about the digital investment funding process. Use it before and during your funding journey.

Digital investment 101

Everything you need to know about the IM/IT minor capital funding process, including project requirements and evaluation criteria.

Prepare a business case

Learn how to write and submit a business case for your IM/IT minor capital funding request. 

Project assurance

Learn about assurance and oversight for your project with the Digital Investment Assurance and Support framework.

Core financial processes

Understand core financial processes like allocation management, cost recovery and amortization.

Start, run and complete your capital project

Start your project

Once you’ve received your funding letter, it’s time to start the capital portion of your project.

Run your project

How to manage your capital funding and engage with the DIO over the lifetime of your project. 

Complete your project

Learn how to close out the capital portion of your project.

Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Digital and Data

Understand the role of the Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Digital and Data (DMCDD).

Find funding templates

Looking for a specific funding template or resource? Download what you need from our central list.

Get to know the Digital Investment Office

Our team oversees all of government’s IM/IT digital investments.